Master Class: Ervin Somogyi
An Essential Principle of Guitar Design / The First Principle of Guitar Bracing

DATE: Sunday, August 12th, 12:30 - 2:00 PM - FREE


An Essential Principle of Guitar Design
Guitars used to all have pretty much the same sizes and shapes.  That has changed; there are now lots of shapes and designs.  Some of these are aesthetically correct, and some aren't.  Most people have not gone to art school and they haven't studied aesthetics; but they know when they see something that they like, and when they see something that they don't.  This lecture is about what things need to be happening for a guitar to look more beautiful, attractive, interesting, appreciated -- and hopefully bought -- than the one that is sitting next to it.

The First Principle of Guitar Bracing
The guitar's bracing is possibly the most hotly debated area of contemporary guitar making.  Everyone has a theory or a favorite bracing layout, and hardly any two of these are fully alike. Yet, there is a little-known and shamefully overlooked formula at play in successful guitars, that is not at play in less successful ones.  This workshop is about that formula, or principle.