Don Ross Master Class - Pushing the boundaries: Modern Fingersyle, Alternate Tunings, Harmony and Percussion
Sunday, June 30, 11:30 - 12:30 pm
Modern fingerstyle guitar came to be primarily through the genius of players like Leo Kottke, Bruce Cockburn, Joni Mitchell and Michael Hedges. Those pioneers discovered the ways that rhythm, harmony and extending the possibilities of the guitar could create sounds that had never before been heard. We’ll talk about and explore altered tunings (and why altered tunings!), and new techniques for exploring harmonic richness and percussiveness to keep creating some of those new sounds.
Vancouver International Guitar Festival is proud to present Don Ross in concert at The Sarah McLachlan School of Music Saturday, June 29, at 8:00 pm. Tickets available here.
Since releasing his debut album, Bearing Straight, Don has been on the forefront of the contemporary fingerstyle movement, and it is no exaggeration to say that his groove-oriented style has influenced a generation of fingerstyle players over his 30 year career.
In 1988, Don became the first Canadian to win the U.S. National Fingerpick Guitar Championship. He won again in 1996, still the only two-time winner of the competition. He signed a recording deal with Toronto-based Duke Street Records and released three CDs. He recorded three CDs for Sony/Columbia, three more for Narada Records and is currently releasing music on CandyRat records. He also composes scores for television, radio and film.
Don tours regularly across Canada, the USA, Europe, Japan, Taiwan, China, Australia, Russia and India. He has played with symphony orchestras in Canada and Germany.
“Nobody does what Don Ross does with an acoustic guitar. He takes the corners so fast you think he’s going to roll, but he never loses control.”
- Bruce Cockburn